Monday, April 6, 2009

Terry Richardson Photography

If you havent seen Terry's photos, you probably havent opened a magazine in the past 5 years! Terry is an American photographer, born in New York City and raised in Hollywood, California. Terry's photos push the boundaries of fashion and advertising, almost bordering pornography. Terry is seen many times naked in his photos, and it seems to me he likes showing his penis in pictures lol.

(Terry Richardson for Tom Ford sunglasses above)

"Richardson's published output is not limited to the contractual work listed above – the full body of his photography can be amusing, bizarre, and shocking to most. Much of it contains sexual elements of a kind not ordinarily seen in mainstream media. His trademark style is notably raw, direct, and amateurish, though he is not an amateur."

(Photo from Terry Richardson's book "Son of Bob")

(Rihanna and Robin Thicke by Terry for GQ)

I think its so cool how Terry Richardson has photos of President Barack Obama, pornstars, midgets and celebrities all on the same website. Love it!

Talk about pushing the envelope for advertising, I love it!

Lil Wayne by Terry Richardson featured in Vibe Magazine. What a great picture!

Lindsay Lohan by Terry Richardson for GQ Magazine.

Amy Winehouse with husband Blaaaake by Terry.

Young Jeezy by Terry Richardson. Richardson recently made Jeezy's newest video titled "Circulate"

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